In 2013 I began teaching at several Universities in Guatemala.
In 2014 I focused on building the newly formed Product Design program at UFMdesign.
While there I gave this talk about the historical trajectory of product design.
In 2017 I moved to the University of Wisconsin - Madison as the first manager of the Grainger Engineering Design Innovation Lab and taught in a new interdisciplinary design masters program (MDI) that opened in the summer 2020.
In the fall of 2021 I joined the full time faculty at the Maryland Institue College of Art (MICA)
in Balimore as a Professor of Product Design.
Current updates on Instagram @product_prof.
Maryland Institue College of Art
MICA / Design Studio: Material & Production / PRD 202 // 2023MICA / Introduction to Product Design / PRD 101 // 2022
MICA / Universal Design / PRD 212 // 2022-23
MICA / Design Lab II / PRD 302 // 2022
MICA / Fundamentals of Product Design / PRD 201 // 2021-22
MICA / Thesis Seminar: Megatrends / PRD 451 // 2021-22
MICA / Communication Platforms / PRD 321 // 2021-22
University of Wisconsin - Madison
UW / MDI / Tools for Prototyping and Manufacturing // 2020-21UW / Co-taught Design & Make (Almost) Anything // 2018
UW / Prototyping Workshops for InterEngr 170 // 2017-2021
UFM / Product Studio II // 2016UFM / "Fun-da-mentals" Summer Design/Build with TALLER KEN // 2016
UFM / Product Studio I // 2016
UFM / Digital Metal Fab Workshop with Jonas Hauptman // 2016
UFM / Rapid Visualization // 2016
UFM / Objects & Ideas (Theory) // 2016
UFM / The Role of the Designer (History) // 2016
UFM / Fundamentals Design Studio I & II // 2015
UFM / Wood Working // 2015
UFM / Design & Innovation // 2014 - 2015
UFM / Materials Taller // 2014
UNIS / Design Strategy: Making Transit Public // 2013
UNIS / Interaction Design Masters Mentor // 2013-2015
UVG / User-Centered Design: Wearables // 2015
UVG / Megaproyectos Co-Cordinator ( Engineering Capstone Projects ) // 2013-2015